четверг, 26 мая 2016 г.

US. Army's 'hacker university'

Located just southwest of Augusta, Georgia is Fort Gordon, an Army installation that brings together most of the service's cyber warriors under one roof. In 2013, the Army chose the site as the home base of its Cyber Command after the unit was established in 2010.
Also home to a 604,000 square foot operations center for the National Security Agency, Gordon is where cyber warriors are taught their craft at what the Army calls its Cyber Center of Excellence. But before they get to the military's "hacker university," enlisted soldiers need to score high technical scores on the military entrance exam, and sign on for five years of service, instead of the normal four-year tour.

Due to the classified nature of their work, cyber training is often conducted in secure compartmented information facilities (SCIFs) where cell phones and other outside recording devices are not allowed, and all soldiers will have to obtain a Top Secret clearance prior to being assigned to their unit.
Soldiers go through a lengthy period of training after basic training: Six months spent at the Navy's Center for Information Dominance in Pensacola, Florida followed by six months at Fort Gordon.
Army officers go through their own training program at the Georgia base, called Cyber Basic Officer Leader Course. The course takes nearly nine months to complete and is the longest officer training program in the Army.
Enlisted soldiers train with members of all military branches over six months at the Navy's Cyber Analysis Course, according to Bloomberg. Since students can come from a variety of skill sets and backgrounds, the first two-thirds of classroom time focuses on basic programming, mathematics, and how networks and operating systems function. But later on they learn the steps to research and infiltrate targets, defend networks, and even hack a simulated network with Metasploit, a common tool hackers have used since its release in 2004.
Meanwhile, officers receive similar training, though their position merits other coursework in leading operations as opposed to carrying them out. Though a cyber officer can likely step in and be more than capable, given the certifications they obtain, to include Cisco's Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and the independent Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential.
“They are really valuably trained after that [schooling]," Stadtlander said.
So valuable in fact that the Army is seeing a challenge in retaining its talent from heavyweights in Silicon Valley.

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